Bonus Trouble Sleeping
It's a rough night. I feel incredibly down on myself despite the love and social opportunities I have been receiving lately. I feel hideous, lonely and idiotic. Aided by the memories of comments made years ago by various people who were and are close to me that I will never be able to forget however fleeting and impulsive they may have seemed to the speaker at the time. It's a dreadfully difficult battle. This is a horrible brain disease and I wish every moment of every day that it hadn't come to me.
Sorry darling girl I have attempt to comment on this post twice, god knows were they have gone. I know that i say we love you and are so proud of you, it won't help but we do. I know too well that that evil worm is in your head replaying everything that's hurt you or everything you think you mucked up. The only thing that I have learn't in this life is don't beat yourself up, people have moved on they aren't dwelling on things, I know I'm "pollyanna" but that's how I survive this life. Charge on, be your usual delightful self, you really aren't alone, I'm never much of a sleeper, you can talk to me when you like. Love and hugs, xxx.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I'm doing better today. Hopefully a change of scenery in August will help. xoxox