It was my first big purchase with money earned through my own hard work. Abercrombie and Fitch nightshifts in the Ginza store were terrible but they did, at least, pay well.

Recently, it has been having more of a shelf life. Traded out for my canon digicam as video took over from stills. The weight of it is no laughing matter either. These days our cellphones take such good photos with such ease that we forget what it's like to hear a real shutter sound or change out lenses or physically attach filters.
With my upcoming move to the UK I realised that my dslr was a luxury that I needed to leave behind. My luggage restrictions mean that I can only take what I can carry around for a few months and anything not absolutely necessary (like my backpack koala soft toy - practical) would need to be sold, thrown out or packaged up and shipped off.
My camera has served me incredibly well. I've taken some great photos with it. But I've found it a lovely home with someone I know will treat it well and enjoy it's company.
So, even though it breaks my heart to say goodbye to it, it will be fine.
Especially since I still have a polaroid camera, diana mini film camera and a digicam to entertain myself with.
BONUS: Some of my favourite photos it has taken
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