Saturday, March 28, 2015

Okuyama Tunnel ~ 奥山トンネル: My Journey Around the Neighbourhood

Around 18months ago I saw a tunnel in a tourist brochure for Hamamatsu. I had just arrived in the city and had no sense of direction in the area yet but I thought, one day, I would go see it. 

Today, after such a long time, I finally made it up there.

Walking past the City Hall I saw flowers in full bloom. In particular the tulips were gorgeous.

Love this old sign post I always walk past when visiting the City Hall. It's so perfectly rusted next to the bright green of the bushes.

Hamamatsu Castle seemed to be the most popular destination today despite the grim clouds and heavy rain thanks to it being surrounded by cherry blossoms (sakura).

You can see some people enjoying their picnic; as I look out the window now at the downpour of heavy rain I can't help but laugh at their now, no doubt, soggy rice balls and beer.

So many of these vine covered buildings in Japan and I love them.

This looks to me like an owl logo? It's cute whatever it is.

A little bit of nature amongst the bricks.

I love that fence - it's almost like a Menorah.

Sneaky picture of myself in the mirror.

You can't see it in the picture but this bench was placed on a slope and the only thing keeping it semi-upright is a couple of coasters shoved underneath each front leg.

This is the police box at the castle park. It's so Japanese it hurts.

I love how they write "KOBAN" in English lettering despite the fact that if you didn't know Japanese you wouldn't know what it meant.

I wanted so much to go in this shop. I think it's a framing store but it's so gorgeously decorated.

Our first glimpse of the tunnel.

And there it is with the commemorative train wheels out the front.

Explaining where the old train tracks went and the steam trains that used to run through it. It would be really handy to have this line nowadays actually.

So hard to get the settings right on such a dark day inside a tunnel.

Beautiful greenery as you exit... except what you can't see is I cut off the generic apartment building to the side of the frame.

A little aged but a beautiful tunnel.

Thought a saw a neat little corner to the side of the tunnel but it turned out to be a graveyard. Opps.

I love the tall stone walls - who knows how long they've been there. But they're certainly lasting better than the old aluminium shed on top.

And back again as the rain started to come down.

As I was leaving there was a lady passing me buy. I just caught her opening her umbrella on the other side if you take a good look into this photo.

And all this was just hiding only 20minutes walk uphill from where I have lived for the past 19months.

You never know what secrets are around the bend. Get out there.

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